

Letter to All Gang Members:

“Listen to me, my children!”

(God has been trying to get your attention! Listen to him while there is still time).

“Do not close your ears to my voice. Do not block me out. For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer. 29:11.

You have the potential to make a mark on the world that will never end, that will live forever—a mark that can turn this world around. You have the potential to do great evil, but you also have the potential to do great good—to set captives free; to feed the poor; to shelter the homeless; to care for the widow and the orphan; to heal the sick; to deliver the oppressed; to give hope to the depressed and despairing; to give life, not death. You have the potential to be great Saints, accomplishing the heroic. You have the potential to clean up your planet and make it beautiful.

It was for you that I came into the world; for you that I laid down my life—only to take it back up again—in order to be with you for all eternity. Turn back to me—turn away from evil and let me fill you with my Holy Spirit, and you will renew the face of the earth. The gifts of my Spirit are wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment, fortitude, counsel, fear of the Lord, and piety.

You already have the gift of counsel. You know how to counsel one another—to encourage, to persuade, to convince, to direct and guide—for evil. I want you to encourage, persuade, convince, direct and guide for good—to lead others to salvation. You know how to suffer and do without—you have courage to face death and to lay down your lives for a cause—you have fortitude! You can suffer and do without, face death, and even lay down your life for others—for good or for evil. I want you to use your gift of fortitude for a good cause—for the sake of the Gospel and for building up the kingdom of God on earth. I want you to lay down your life out of love for one another and for justice—not power or greed. You know what it is to fear and respect the “gang.” Learn to fear and respect me, and I will make you invincible. You will live in faith, not fear; hope, not despair; love, not hatred. You have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to know the hearts of others, and you know who are for you and who are against you. You know how to get what you want. You know how to overcome all obstacles that stand in your way. You also know that you are empowered by your “gang”—your community.

I want you to use your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to discern good from evil; truth from lies; my will from self-will and selfishness; to know those who serve me and righteousness, from those who serve Satan and evil. (I have already overcome Satan—do not trust him). I want you to use these gifts to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of your faith, hope, and love—that stand in the way of my will and purpose for your lives. I want you to be empowered by my Spirit and by the Church—the body of Christ on earth—my “gang.” I want you to fear me, alone; to respect and reverence me. Then, you will be loved, not feared. You will have integrity and be respected for the good you do, not evil; respected for who you really are—because I created you good; in my image and likeness. You will know what a real “Father” is—one who is perfect and deserving of all your love and trust. You will be able to call me Papa, Dad, Abba! You will be a part of me—you will be in me and I will be in you. You will replace your “gang” rituals, slogans, sacrifices, and signs, with true piety. I will teach you how to pray, to forgive, to show mercy—to worship me in Spirit and Truth. Let your “gang” become part of my “body.” Then, you will truly be one—of one mind, heart, purpose, and Spirit. Then, you will be filled with the Holy Spirit, and manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit that come from real and true love—my love.

Come back to me, my children, and let me give you new life—the fullness of life. Come back to me while there is still time!

No one can say “Jesus is Lord” except through the Holy Spirit, and no one who has the Holy Spirit can deny me. Let me be your Lord—Lord of your life—and you will receive my Holy Spirit. I will be your Lord and you will be my disciples. You will never deny me, deny love, deny truth, deny life, or deny your own soul. You will live!

Come back to me, now, and you will live forever. You will inherit the earth, and you will see God!”

In the Name of Jesus!

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